Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Dust has Settled..a little.

Monday started off with Trey heading to Kerrville to get some cedar timber. The plan was to get the old ceiling out along with most of the old joists and crossmembers, and replace with 3 4x6 cedar timbers along the entire dining hall. As you can see from the pics, all went well, no one got hurt and we are all breathing a little easier.

Trey likes to play with the cutting torch, so he fabricated some nice steel plates to join the rafters. There is a common understanding that if the job involves the welding machine or cutting torch, just stand back and let Trey work. He starting cutting the plates with the cutting torch which worked well. But, he decided a metal cutting blade on a cicular saw would work better as the torch only cuts a straight line if you can hold your hand steady for 7 straight hours with people standing over your shoulder giving all sorts of advice.

The A/C guys came by this week for some heating and A/C advice. We were happy to find out that the 2 A/C units outside have heat strips. We weren't sure what to expect since there were several gas heaters in the building. Hopefully the units work, the A/C guys will be back to test them. One of the A/C guys saw Trey cutting the steel plates and said, "Hey, you know you can turn a wood blade backwards on a skill saw and cut metal with it." We didn't try.

Trey was talking to the Ag teacher from the High School Wednesday night and the metal cutting issue came into the conversation. He said, "Hey, you know you can turn a wood blade backwards on a skill saw and cut metal with it." We didn't try.

The dirt guy came by this week too. He's going to do some excavating and grade the slope in the back to pull the water onto someone elses property so it's not our problem. He's also going to improve our parking situation in the back and on the side of the building. He didn't mention anything about cutting steel with a wood blade turned backwards on a circular saw.

Well, we got a lot accomplished but there's still more to do. The dust has settled for now, but like a Rocky movie, I'm sure it will be back.


Matt Kent said...

Holy Smokes! It's looking really good! I like the timbers. Let me know if you need any help.
Do you have the news down there? Did you know Britney shaved her head?

Anonymous said...

Get a metal cutting blade. Do not pass go - do not turn the wood cutting blade around backwards, unless you only want to use the blade once - and it may not finish the cut.

Anonymous said...

Wow Guys.... It is looking awesome. I am so excited for you and all of the progress you are making. It looks like you are having a ton of fun! Emily... what courage.. I would have ran for the hills if I saw that Tarantula!! Miss you all!